St. Paul's United Church of Christ © | 50 N. Main St., Manheim PA 17545

717.665.2447 |

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50 N. Main Street

St. Paul's UCC

Manheim, PA


Advent, which marks the beginning of the church year on Sunday, December 1, is “the first gleam of Christmas,” writes W.E. Sangster. “It heralds the entrance of the Divine into human history; it is heaven descending to earth; it is a great event casting its brilliance before it.” Sangster adds: “It is as though a trumpeter had taken his stand upon the turrets of time and announced the coming of the King. ‘Get ready,’ he seems to say. ‘Get ready. He is coming!’” 

 - Church Art Online, December 2019


Christmas Creches

Members and friends of St. Paul's are invited to decorate the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall windows with their favorite family Creche. It's so beautiful to see all the different versions - one even has several cats peeking in at the Christ child! 

Christmas Eve Worship - Tuesday, December 24:

  • 7 pm Candlelight Worship w/lessons and carols of the season
  • 11 pm Candlelight Worship w/lessons and carols and Holy Communion

​A Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner will be held on Sunday, January 5 to celebrate Epiphany and the new year. Worship will begin that day at 11 am followed by the dinner. De-decorating the church will begin after the meal. Click here to RSVP for the dinner.

 Advent & Christmas @ St. Paul's